Mental illness is difficult, but you often fail to realize the toll it takes on those surrounding you. How does it effect their life?
During my first break down my mom was in the Philippines. During my second breakdown my mom was in the Philippines but during my third? My God was she here!
She lived through it! And you know how she told me she survived? She said she survived because she is a mother who prays. And i believe i am as strong as i am now today because i have a mother who gets on her face and cries out to God for mercy on her childrens lives.
All those years I lived a wreckless life. All those years that I spent living on the edge unmedicated having episodes surving on Gods grace alone? I have a praying mother and I believe that is what got me through.
Relentlessly she prays for Gods blessings to pour out on our lives, even if we dont go to church and say a blessing over our meal before we eat. And God has always protected us and provided for us. When i say us, i mean my brother and me.
This is the power of a praying mother.
When i was in the hospital, and i was doped up on Haldol and Depakote in an increasingly high dose my mom trusted in God and fought for me. She prayed tiredlessly for me and visited me as often as she could and fought with the nurses to change my medicine.
That is the power of a praying mother.
When i went off chasing bunny trails and wandering around walmart playing hide and seek or when i was smacking around cartons of milk in the hospital and my mom had to figure out how to handle her own emotions and be strong for me and be there for me with out bending she prayed.
That is the power of a praying mother.
Without God, i never could handle my mental illness and with out the power of my moms prayer i could never have survived this far in life. Prayer is powerful. Never underesitimate the power of prayer.
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