I was bound up in chains from head to toe. Literally from my ankles to my wrists.
Hours before hand i was in Chesapeake Regional with my parents and i was threatening to strip naked for the police officers if they didn't let me out of the room. My parents stood there in grief.
The officers said they couldn't do anything but restrain me unless my dad signs me over to the magistrate and if that happens my life is no longer my own i become commited.
My dad kept asking me "Mel is that really what you want me to do or do you want to calm down and go home?"
We waited for an hour. I didnt calm down my episode only escalated and my dad did the only thing he could do and the thing no dad wants to do, he signed me over to the magistrate.
The moment he did that two men stabbed me in the thigh with a high amount of geodon and i finally found sleep.
The next morning i found myself locked up from head to toe bound in chains as i was being transported to Eastern Virginia Medical School.
I am so thankful to my dad for that day. He took the measures he needed to take and took the weight off his shoulders and placed me with an amazing team who set me on the right path.
I am still navigating this tricky path between mental illness and mental wellness but i am headed in the right direction.
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